суббота, 5 февраля 2011 г.

How to Save Money on Gas? Which Fuel Additives Diesel Fuel Additives To Use ?‏

Use fuel supplements and use Gas Additives ,  Fuel Additives

Move vehicles to gas fuel
To throw by money - this is  of the murderous ninetieth. Motto of present time - savings and again savings. Studies, conducted, in this region clearly give to understand that the provided for people do not eject money to the wind. But let us return to our problem. Price hike on the fuel-, gave impetus to appearance and development of firms for the transfer of transportation means into the gas fuel-. Good, which is not required for the beginning of this business of the large investments of cash resources.

For the latter several months of price of the gasoline in the  Germany and Israel rose by ten - fifteen percent, and stopped at the mark of the order of eighteen rubles for one liter ninety fifth gasoline.

In the opinion analysts - this is not limit. There is enormous probability that at the beginning of the following year an increase in the prices will continue until price for one liter of gasoline is equal to the cost of one dollar. And if forecasts will happen, then for the majority of the owners of motor transport means - it is necessary to begin to walk on foot, or it is essential to reduce a quantity of trips. But this can not favorably be reflected in business as a whole.

But how to be protected from an increase in the prices? It is possible to begin to economize, while it is possible to begin its matter on the savings of other automobile enthusiasts. For example: to open service on the installation of gas balloon equipment to the motor transport means.

proposals on the market [GBO] there are already sufficiently many. As Baruh Goldashatain asserts - the general director of company “we place - gas!” in Moscow ,Jerusalem and San Jose it works within the limits of thirty large centers on the installation [GBO], this without considering private individuals in the garage cooperatives, or skillful individuals on the motor depots, which as “[shabashki]” can re-equip for gas practically any automobile. But even with this increase in the market [GBO] in it is possible to find its place.

The cost of re-equipment together with the work costs today within the limits from six and one-half thousands of rubles to one-and-a-half thousand dollars. The enormous variety of proposals can confuse of novices in this business so that such it would not occur necessary to introduce clarity into the situation, for example: by retrieval for necessary information in the network the Internet. In reality everything will prove to be considerably more intelligible than it is at first glance.

Gas and point!

As recalls Baruh Goldshatain- it, and many other owners, it arrived into this business - by chance. Two years ago the Director-General of company “we place gas!” established [GBO] to its automobile. They installed equipment, but they did not dispose, as it follows. As a result to Vitalius it was necessary for very, using a computer, to study tuning equipment. Finally, domestic system earned at the level of foreign analogs. After positive experience, in Vitalius arose the desire to share with its knowledge with other automobile enthusiasts (of course not free of charge). Friends became the first clients. But when a quantity of re-equipped automobiles exceeded ten, it moved from its garage into the specially equipped boxing. Its business strictly from there and rises from.

After being dismantled in all finesses of the domestic equipment of system [GIG] and after passing the instruction (which organized the producer - [GIG] Engineering), Vitalius and its association specialize now in the installation only of this equipment. On the assertion of the specialists of company, domestic equipment, according to its technical characteristics, is not inferior, while from some parameters it exceeds firm foreign models, although it is considerably cheaper on the cost.

A drawback [GBO] in those produced in Russia is the fact that their installation and fine tuning occupies more time, than in foreign models. The standard version of installation occupies about eight hours, in the special cases the installation can be extended by several days. But this deficiency is compensated by the fact that after placing this system, the driver subsequently can forget about all problems of those connected with the fuel. For it even it is not necessary to think about the switching from the gasoline to the gas, this occurs automatically.

As the conclusion: after saving with the purchase of equipment, although to the detriment of the time of installation, we obtain the qualitative product, which according to its properties is not inferior to the production of foreign firms, and it can have a cost by an order higher.

Vitallium is sweep it recalls, which to first adjust business was heavy, since the firm did not have, known name there was small work experience. But in the course of time company “we place gas!” it became widely it was known, even on the spaces of the Internet. The almost two years of hard work brought their fruits. At the given moment we can re-equip any automobile, including even Japanese sport ( penalties with the turbine engines ) he speaks Vitalius. And in this case the capacity of machine will remain at the same level, as on the benzine fuel, and savings in turn will be essential.

In company appeared the authority in the eyes of potential customers, and this helps to increase sales of inexpensive domestic gas installations in the price of imported models. Income is obtained sufficiently after all decent.

In the incomplete eighteen months the company of Vitalius re-equipped 300 automobiles. But a recent price hike of the gasoline contributed to the appearance of a turn. But, to in spite of this increase production Vitalius does not hurry in the manner that unknown that it will be with the price on the newspaper.

Bulk of the buyers of the cheap systems of those produced in Russia - this owners “[Gazeley]” and the passenger automobiles, on which are established carburetor engines. The loss ten - fifteen percent of their power does not frighten, they try maximally to save. Therefore during the re-equipment of automobile the principal criterion of the selection of workshop for them is not the high level of expenditures. As a rule, they become the clients of the garage workshops, in which quality corresponds to cost.

It is not required for the beginning of this business of special investments. It is at first sufficient five hundred dollars to the purchase of several complete sets [GBO] and kit of tools of necessary for the installation. To this it is worthwhile to add the lease pay of garage or boxing, and this one hundred fifty - two hundred dollars per month. It is just in case desirable to acquire certificate to the right of performing work with the gas equipment, since problems with the passage of the technical inspection can arise in the re-equipped automobiles. Although not one case so that in it they would require from the words of Vitalius, such papers it was not. People solve the problem of the passage of technical inspection more simply…

If you make a rate to servicing of domestic automobiles for the minimum price, it is necessary to look large accomodation with the appropriate state, since return from the business, will be noticeable with the significant revolution. To everything this will be required the expenditures for advertisement (for example, leaflet), man, who will assume orders and bookkeeper. But this approach will limit the circle of potential customers. With the minimum of tools it will be possible to be occupied only by domestic automobiles and sufficiently old foreign-produced brands. The installation of such systems will not require the qualified colleagues, it is sufficiently simple. For client it is to only be done a selection between the domestic and foreign equipment. The cost of Russian [GBO] with the installation costs order of six and one-half thousands of rubles in the imported from eight thousand rubles.

So that in the list of your clients you burn the owners of foreign-produced brands and domestic foreign-produced brands, in which is used the fuel injection for you it is necessary to acquire professional equipment.

They enter into this list: gas analyzer, computer or laptop computer for the liqueur of electronic filling, and also the equipment, which will make it possible to make diagnostics of engine. To all this still it will be required the qualified masters. But even during this distribution the sum of investments will not exceed five thousand dollars. With this assembly you can undertake the re-equipment of any automobiles, even those, which correspond to the standards of the Euros -4.

Even with the small investments in the equipment by very important, and the main things expensive investment I will be people, which will be occupied by re-equipment. At the level of training masters cannot be economized and this even not because of the explosiveness of gas, but because contemporary [GBO] needs fine to the tuning, which of simple  to carry out it will not be able. As result dissatisfied clients - the damaged reputation of your firm and as consequence - the decrease of orders. The suppliers of equipment understand this and many of them are ready to ensure the process of instruction and practice period for the future masters.

Business it is in detail

Investments: “garage” service of the installation of systems [GBO] it is possible to begin actually free of charge, only further development of this business very diffuse. Another matter, after investing five thousand dollars, you will be able to design for the more provided for clients.

Size: mini service (professional center on the installation [GBO]) as is special subdivision in auto-salon or station of the technical


Payback period this enterprise during the year.

Documentation: it is desirable to obtain certificate to the right of the behavior of works with the gas equipment. Additional certification is not required.

Requirements for the place of performing work: the most optimum version - boxing, and if it heated, then this is generally ideal version.

State: personnel in this matter - most important, since suppliers are interested in an increase in sales, they constantly conduct the instruction of specialists. Do not forget about this.

Many owners, who deal with the re-equipment of automobiles, they consider what to more advantageous use Italian systems. If it is correct to establish them and it is correct to dispose, then to work they will be better than domestic. Plus because of the higher installation charge - above will be and income. The installation of this system continues from four to six hours, if one specialist will carry out work, and the price of such services will be in the limits from seven and one-half thousands to forty thousand rubles, in the determination of price the stamp of automobile still will play role. From the foreign systems [GBO] in Israel is most fully represented the production of foreign producers, such as: Lovato, Landi Of renzo, Tomasetto and etc . The main advantage of such systems in the fact that it is possible to establish them both on the foreign-produced brands and on the domestic automobiles.

Income in this sphere possible will increase due to an improvement in the quality of customer service. However this was commonplace - this works. Besides the growth of authority, qualitative re-equipment makes it possible to give guarantee to the executed work and this fact also can be considered with the designation of price for the services given. Also it is possible to introduce the program of the service maintenance, for which the clients will arrive precisely in you to the preventive maintenance [GBO]. This will be one more of the forms of income.

Like any other service on servicing of automobiles, installation [GBO] does not depend on the change of seasons. The period of lifts - in summer (before the season of leaves) and the decreases in winter (before the sequence of new-year holidays) can be easily forecast. From the words of the general director of the largest Moscow network of the stations of the maintenance of Haim Cohen the demand on [GBO] directly depends on the state of prices of the gasoline and newspaper.

If we analyze situation on the market for fuel, then we will see, that in the course of the recent several months both gasoline and gas became dearer by approximately two rubles. Propane-butane costs within the limits of five rubles for the liter, the same quantity ninety fifth gasoline quarter is more than eighteen rubles. The percent relationship of prices between the gas and liquid propellant it was reduced. But, in spite of this savings as before remains perceptible.

To forecast further development of market is problematic, even in spite of that which is within the limits forty percent of the world's supplies of gas and scarcity of liquid propellant to fear it is not worthwhile on the territory of the Russian Federation. To fear it is worthwhile that fuel price often dictates not market, but the policy.

But, however there it was, until expenditure for the beginning of its business not significant, but in you is an accomodation or the already working . The risk of small, in addition is observed the accretion of the motor transport means, among owners of which there are many people of those desiring to save.

Everything “after” and “against” the re-equipment of automobile.

The stated below reminder to desirably cut out and to place in the auto-service on the board of declarations so that the potential clients would not assign one and the same questions of those connected with the re-equipment of automobile, economizing in this case its and your time.

Basic pluses [GBO]:

- The low cost of gas in comparison with the gasoline.

- The expenditure of gas for ten - fifteen percent is more than the expenditure of gasoline. Savings on the fuel reaches forty percent. If we transfer savings along the path into the money, then depending on the stamp of automobile savings will be from sixty kopecks to two rubles from one kilometer. After conducting not sly calculations, it turns out that equipment with cost from seven to thirty thousand rubles will be paid for fifteen - twenty thousand kilometers of the path

- High octane number. Because of the fact that the octane number of gas one hundred forty, and this is considerably more than in gasoline, the coefficient of wear of engine on this fuel is reduced to the minimum.

- Ecological cleanliness. The burnt gas leaves cleaner exhaust, and you less contaminiate environment.

- The increased independence. Using combination of gas and gasoline it is possible to pass without the refueling more than one thousand kilometers. That very by the way with the trips through the places, where AZS are encountered not as frequently as in the city.

Deficiencies [GBO]

Depending on the stamp of motor transport means, the gas tank occupies sufficiently much place in the baggage carrier, which in turn not very conveniently and hampers the transformation of salon. As the compensation for this deficiency it is possible to use balloons of the special form, which can be established in the niche of backup, if the same is provided. But during this distribution backup will occupy place in the baggage carrier.

It is not worth also forgetting about the weight of balloon, and as the consequence of this the smaller load capacity of the automobile

At low temperatures [GBO] it can give failures, although this still depends on the quality of the repaired gas (with the failure [GBO] automobile it can work on the gasoline)

An insufficient quantity of gas [AGNS] on the comparison of benzine AZS (for example, in Haifa on eight hundred forty benzine servicing it comes from thirty to forty five gas)

You can preserve the car's fuel system clean mode using fuel additives. The fuel supplements, we are very familiar with using Matdlakim favorite stations who are happy to sell us with any fuel additive, but the truth is that such additives recommended for use in one to 5,000 or 10,000 miles. Using plug clears the Thai fire engine soot and the catalytic converter system and syringes, you can prevent easily emit the pollutants resulting strain less and consume less fuel. What supplements recommended? Well, most of which deal with international companies such as Shell in the oil, CASTROL and REPSOL as well as companies specializing in oils such as BG Havtomutibeime watersheds American  German or Israeli in front of me producing quite effective fuel additives that can be purchased in shops selling car accessories

Deposits in the engine negatively affect his performance, shorten the life and increase fuel consumption at the expense of the environment and the wallet of the consumer.This can be avoided by filling the fuel tank of gasoline quality.
If you used a special additive to gasoline, there is no need to drain fuel before storage. Use a special additive. After adding the additive in the fuel tank, start the engine and run it to ensure receipt of an additive in the carburetor. Engine with gasoline can be stored for up to 24 months. If gasoline is stored separately in the canister is also recommended to use a special additive to maintain the properties of gasoline during the prolonged storage.

Choose The Best Gas Additives  ,Fuel Additive For Your Car‏
Clean Engine Deposits:
In engines with middle and high wear and tear, even high-quality oils lose their cleaning and protective properties after the first half to two thousand kilometers. Blowby from the combustion chamber into the crankcase leads to oxidation and liquefaction oil, lowering its detergent properties, which worsens the conditions of the engine. As a result of internal engine parts and in the channels of the lubrication system form harmful carbon deposits that impede the heat sink and retention of the oil film on the rubbing parts. In this avalanche increases engine wear. Using a soft cleaner engine (Engine Tune-Up) in normal operation mode allows you to remove carbon deposits, varnish and carbon deposits, preventing the deterioration of the engine. "Soft" mechanism of the additives can not wash away pollution large fragments, as well as a fine phase - safe for the rubbing parts of the engine. This ensures the maximum deep cleaning.

On “magic” additives to the motor oil
There are three basic groups, in composition and to promises, additional additives (further - additive) for the motor oil: Additives, which contain besides standard additives, additive PTFE - polytetrafloeraethylene, i.e., polyfluoroethylene resin (the trade name - Teflon). Additives, which contain besides standard additives, additive ZDDP - zinc of dialkyldithiophosphat, i.e., dialkyldithiophosphate of zinc. Additives, which consist in essence of the dissolving and washing additives. Let us dismantle each group separately. the PTFE- additive At present the majority of popular additives on the market - those that are included PTFE. PTFE (Polytetrafloeraethylene) - these are general abbreviation is utilized for the polytetrafluoroethylene (polyfluoroethylene resin), most known as commercial stamp “Of teflon”, which is registered by the company Of duPont Of chemical Of corporation. Imported additives, which contain PTFE - Slick 50, Liquid Of ring, Lubrilon, Microlon, Matrix, Petrolon, QMl, T -Plus and so forth In reality very company Of duPont (which is inventor PTFE, holder of patent and commercial model Of teflon) one of the first speaks against the use of PTFE- additives for the engines. On this in its statement of approximately 15 years ago, spoke the specialist Of duPont Of fluoropolymers Of division Of product - J. [Imbalzano] (Imbalzano): “Teflon is not useful ingredient in the additives for the motor oil”. At this time DuPont threatens with legal actions against any, who uses a name Of teflon in any products, intended for the internal combustion engines and he rejected to sell PTFE- powders to any, who assumes their use for these purposes. However, it could not prove after the squall of the legal actions from the producers of the additives Of duPont that PTFE is detrimental for the engines and it they bound sequential time to sell PTFE to the producers of additives. The producers of additives, using this, asserted that this proof of the fact that their product works, although actually this nothing else but proof of the work of American ethics “it is innocent, until is proven fault”.
. As explain experts, problem with the application OF PTFE in oil in the fact that PTFE is solid. The producers of additives declare, that this solid covers the moving components of engine (although this far from proved scientific fact) and protects them from the wear however this substance, as it occurs, it is more inclined to cover the [nedvizhushchiesya] parts such as oil passages and filters. There is a report of studies of data of the additives, which contain PTFE, conducted by research center NASA (national administration of the USA for aeronautics and space research (National Of aeronautics and Space Of administration)), which speaks: “The contact surface of bearings, which we observed, has no advantages. Undesirable effect in certain cases is observed. Solid in oil has a tendency to be accumulated in the bottlenecks and acts as the plug, which blocks the passage of oil through the oil passages. Instead of the aid occurs the oil deficiency of the friction parts”. Zinc (ZDDP) The quite last miracle- ingredient in the additives for the motor oil, which is attempted to displace PTFE - zinc of dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP), which we prefer to call simply zinc. The suppliers of the new zinciferous additives assert that they can prove absolute superiority of their products over PTFE by additives. Although PTFE of company assert directly opposite. Zinc - component of the standard packet of the additives actually of each large Brenda the motor oil, sold today, its concentration varies from low 0,1% in such brands as Valvoline Of all Of climate and Chevron of l5W-50, to high 0,2% in such brands as Valvoline Of race and Pennzoil GT Of performance. The organic compounds of zinc are used as BY EP (antiwear) of additive and it is, therefore, found in the large numbers in oils, specially developed for the high(ly)-resourceful, high(ly)-stageBeertank and racing automobiles. Zinc in oil enters into the game, only when is present contact metalmetal inside the engine, which can ever not occur with the standard conditions for work. However, if you sometimes drive in the red zone of the scale of tachometer, zinc - your last line of protection. With the extreme conditions zinc enters into interaction with the metal and prevents wear, especially between the walls of cylinder and the piston rings. However, and this is important to remember, the conducted investigations show that the large number of zinc does not give larger protection, this only prolongs protection, if contact metalmetal is abnormally high or is prolonged. Therefore, if you do not intend during the pair of hours to arrange rabid races, the addition of the additionally zinciferous additives - waste of money. Also it is worthwhile to remember that the high content of zinc leads to an increase in the deposits on valves and sparkplugs. The zinciferous additives can be easily distinguished of others fact that they must bear information about the fact that the dangerous substances contain. As is known, zinc phosphates are very harmful for the eyes, and with the contact they can apply serious disturbances; therefore with the work with these additives it is necessary to be by very careful and to use goggles. As has already been mentioned, the connections of zinc are present practically in all motor oil of well-known producers. However, in recent years the producers of oils voluntarily reduce a quantity of zinc in their products, since studies showed that zinc was capable negatively to influence and even to destroy catalytic neutralizers. The majorities of experts advise to avoid the use of additional additives to motor oil; this is connected so still and with the fact that oils of all well-known important producers already contain the sufficiently expensive packet of additives,
which consists of many terms of the specially selected formula, which corresponds to the requirements of your engine. These additives work in the group and is created the effect, which they cannot create separately. Additional additives can change this balance and decrease shielding effect, even if you added that which already is present in the standard packet of additives. So that it is better to understand this, represent that you prepare the tasty of pirogues on the excellently selected prescription. In the prescription it is indicated, that it is necessary to place 2 eggs. How you do think, if you do place 4 eggs, then pirogues from this it will be tastier? The same, most likely, will occur also with your oil. This also must be remembered during mixing of different types of oils, for example, of synthetic oil with the mineral. In this case it is necessary to ascertain that oils, which you mix up, have identical admittance on API (CI-4, CH-4, and so forth). This speaks, that their packet of additives approximately identical or, at least, compatible, and is less probability to destroy balance. Washing additives and the solvents The older and well more known on the market additives, such as Bardahl, Rislone and Marvel Of mystery Of oil, propose such things as “reduction in the expenditure of oil for carbon monoxide”, “purification of engine”. They are developed for the dissolution of sediment and carbonaceous deposits inside the engine. Many of these products to 80% consist of the kerosene, others use naphthalene, xylene, acetone and isopropanol. Usually these ingredients are present in base mineral oils. Thus, these products are developed for purposes the directly opposite to PTFE- additives and to the zinciferous additives. Problem in the fact that data of additive cannot dissolve only undesirable and move away deposit, they so can disrupt and move away the oil layer, which provides protection of the friction parts. Therefore the superfluous use of data of additives can lead to the situation of contact “metalmetal” in the engine. On the whole, the data of additive occurred and were useful in the old automobiles, 50[kh] - 60[kh] of years, but they were not necessary in the more contemporary engines, developed in the recent two decades. Not all additives for the motor oil are potentially harmful as some of that describe aboved. However, about this it is possible to say only that the fact that if is not proven the harm of data of products, then this yet does not mean that they can bring real advantages. In certain cases the addition of additives to oil in the correct proportions and in the necessary time they can, probably, prolong the life of oil; however, in each case, which we studied, it would be more cheaply simple to change oil in the engine. Since the producers of additives ceased to indicate the ingredients, which enter into their products, application it is possible to compare them with the game into “Russian tape-measure”, t to you never can be assured, in the fact that you add into the engine. On the demonstration actions “The work of engine without the motor oil” On the auto- and the spendthrift- exhibitions you can become the witnesses of the palpitating demonstration of the basic merits of some oil additives. Demonstrators presented the engine, into which they flooded oil and their corresponding dose “miraculous additive”. After a certain time of the work of engine they stopped motorcycle, oil was drained off, and motorcycle went further. Attention, miracle! Engine worked flawlessly for several hours, proving the effectiveness of additive, which, possibly, formed coating inside the engine, after excluding thus the need for oil. Is at first glance, result for face, it is not now necessary to stop and to lose time in the case of the leakage of oil. Sufficiently convincing reason - thus far you do not know facts. Since in the USA on these showings were used the engines of such companies as Briggs of & Stratton, these companies decided themselves to conduct a similar experiment. For the experiment were undertaken two identical engines of this model directly from the assembly line. Only difference was in the fact that into one engine flooded motor oil with “miraculous” additive, and to the second only motor oil. Both engines for 20 hours were exploited, then their work was stopped and oil is poured. Then engines neglected for 20 more hours. Both engines, it seemed, flawlessly fulfill this small “magic trick”. After 20- hour work, both engines proved to be completely they were worn and the engineers of company conducted their inspection. It was explained that in the larger measure were damaged the bearings of the lower connecting-rod end of both engines, but in the engine, processed by additive, were damaged even and the walls of cylinders, which was not on the unprocessed engine. This again speaks, that the oil additives remove the protective layer of lubricant. The piston rings, where the sufficiency of oil is especially necessary first of all suffer. Practically all reports and studies showed that the oil additives, and especially those, into composition of which enter solid suspensions, such as PTFE, are the basic reason for the damages of engine. Prospect for the racers Among the most convincing opinions in favor of oil additives - opinions of professional racers or commands of racers. As already earlier it was noted, some of the oil additives were capable of reduction in the coefficient of the friction of the friction surfaces in the engine, fuel economy and increase in the number of horsepower. In the world professional races, the advantage into the fractions of a second, which can be won due to the application of this type of additives, can solve everything - to be to you conqueror or conquered. Actually, all deficiencies or harmful effects of oil additives are manifested only

Fuel additives
Materials which are added to the fuel include tin, magnesium and platinum compounds. The claimed purpose of these devices is generally to improve the energy density of the fuel by virtue of the materials added. Acetone is another additive, but may dissolve plastic parts in the fuel system.

These should not be confused with fuel system and valve cleaner additives which remove contaminants from the fuel system and/or remove deposits on intake valves.

Magnets attached to fuel lines have been claimed to improve fuel economy by aligning fuel molecules

Fuel economy device

Tornado Tornado Fuel Saver

For Better Fuel Mileage and Increased Horsepower! Install the Tornado in the air-intake of your vehicle for better gas mileage and increased horsepower! The Tornado fuel saver is an automotive air channeling tool that creates a swirling air motion, allowing the air to move faster and more efficiently by whirling air around corners and bends. Imagine a mini-tornado on its side moving through the intakes of your automobile. It causes better fuel atomization, resulting in an increase of gas mileage anywhere from 7-24%. These figures are confirmed by road testing performed at an emission lab licensed by the EPA. Dyno testing shows 4-13 added horsepower as well! The Tornado is easy to install; 2-5 minutes usually, requires no maintenance and is an affordable addition to most passenger cars, light trucks and RVs on the road. How Does It Work? Tornado is a non-moving turbine shaped device, which creates a vortex or swirling effect to the engine. The result is improved airflow into your cars truck or SUV's engine, causing a better air and fuel ratio and a TORNADO FUEL SAVER will work in either a carbureted or electronic fuel injected engine. With increased gas mileage of up to 24 percent, Tornado pays for itself in a short time. Simple to Install the TORNADO gas saver is a user-friendly product, that typically can be installed in less than 10 minutes.

Ignition points and combustion  Indices Methane Propane Butane Gasoline
(for the comparison)
Ignition point with the atmospheric pressure, [s] 650 550 500 300
Temperature of flame with the atmospheric pressure, [s] 1300 990 990 750

Data testify about the higher fire hazard of vapors of gasoline.

Data indirectly testify about the more high demands for the ignition system, in practice - to the state of distributor, high-voltage wires and sparkplugs.

Data indirectly testify about an increase in the temperature load on the engine (in practice - to release valves) with the work on gas. Additional temperature load on release valves is reduced when the hydrocompensators of valve clearances are present. In the case of the absence of hydrocompensators it is desirable to increase the clearances of release valves with the use of a gas fuel, in comparison with the standard values for the gasoline, by 10-15%.

Revitalization of the fuel molecules, increasing the efficiency of fuel combustion, fuel economy
Fuel saving device D-POWER squirts in microelectronic fuel supply system through a metal fuel line. This changes the molecular structure of fuel as a whole and its individual electrons. Large molecules are broken up into smaller, resulting in increasingly fuel reacts with oxygen, and is more fully and effectively its combustion.
Control and stabilization of the physico-chemical characteristics of lubricants
Microelectronics D-POWER stabilizes the mineral and organic structure of the lubricant (oil), positively charging and activating specific molecules, strengthening the intermolecular bonds, improves the physical and chemical properties and thus protects the internal engine surfaces from corrosion, increasing its durability and, consequently, life. Improving the physical and chemical properties of the oil can at least make a replacement.
Support for clean interior surfaces and engine fuel system, reducing the accumulation of carbon deposits, real-time protection engine.
D-POWER provides a clean engine and fuel system at the level of the electrons. Substances such as carbon and sodium contained in the fuel molecules, accumulate in various parts of the supply systems and fuel injection, worsening and slowing its flow into the engine. Device D-POWER exposes them to ionization, resulting in an nagar first softens and then gradually dissolves. When replacing the engine oil is completely cleared, and these are ultimately derived from the engine. Maintain cleanliness of the engine provides for optimal operation and longer service life.
Optimization of Fuel
The device stabilizes the mineral and organic structure of the lubricant. The combustion of fuel inside the cylinder remains the strength of bonds between molecules of oil and prevents any leakage of gas, so the net power and efficiency of fuel combustion are used most effectively.
Reducing exhaust emissions, the contribution to environmental protection
The device provides the stability of the engine and increases the air-tightness (permeability) gas corridor, thus achieved a more complete combustion and increased fuel efficiency.
The volume of exhaust gas is reduced to a minimum, which contributes to environmental protection.

Instead of making a gesture for a day, make a change for life. Find ways to reduce your energy consumption on a regular basis.